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Orthopedic Exercise

ACE-Certified Orthopedic Exercise Specialist

Orthopedic exercise is for those who have been released for post-procedure exercise by their orthopedist and/or physical therapist.

Training includes correct exercise selection to ensure continued progress with repaired joints, tendons, and related body structures.

Ideal for those whose insurance has stopped covering physical therapy, or for those with a known orthpopedic condition not requiring treatment by a physician or physical therapist.

I offer two training session options:

30 minutes

Includes exercises for targeted orthopedic and related anatomical sites

60 minutes

As above, plus other exercises for overall fitness

Session times are approximate.

Initial sessions with new clients typically take longer as ranges of motion, tolerances, and appropriate resisted loads are established, as well as client education for self-directed home training is discussed.

Once training variables have been established and less time is needed for client education, training sessions may become more time efficient.

Either way, if training times run over time-wise, you will not be charged more.

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