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Credentials and Certifications

  • Certified Personal Trainer (ACE)
  • Certified Health Coach (ACE)
  • Certified Functional Aging Specialist (FAI)
  • Certified Senior Fitness Specialist (ACE, SFA)
  • Certified Orthopedic Exercise Specialist (ACE)
  • Certified Buff Bones Instructor (Buff Bones)
  • Certified Weight Management Specialist (ACE)
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM)
  • Exercise is Medicine 1 Credential (ACSM)

Credentials say that there are important relevant things to know and that the credentialed person knows them. Credentialing is a process for obtaining, verifying, and assessing the qualifications of a practitioner to provide professional services.

I am an outcome-based fitness professional, specializing in physical fitness as a continuum of good health for seniors, older adults, and people who have difficulty exercising on their own. Outcome-based means designing and conducting exercise programs that achieve specific goals as agreed with my clients.

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